Ron Mangas Jr.

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Ron Mangas Jr.

Real Estate Professional

Ron Mangas, Jr. is known for his significant knowledge of modern architecture and the artistic and cultural movements that gave rise to new forms of domestic styles in the United States. He has had a lifelong appreciation for the arts, stemming from his early studies in theater and performing arts. He was exposed to the development and sale of real estate at an early age, having grown up in this milieu. His father, a well-regarded commercial real estate professional in property management, commercial leasing, and project management, played an important role in shaping his understanding of the industry.

Throughout the course of his real estate practice, Mr. Mangas has worked to educate his clients regarding the historical antecedents of the styles of the 20th and 21st centuries. His understanding of what comprises the modernist ethos has allowed him to represent his clients in a way that few are able to do. Mr. Mangas notes: 'One must fundamentally appreciate that the roots of contemporary architecture are found in centuries-old traditions. It is essential to recognize that the soul of what is modern has its roots in classical antiquity. Without understanding the history of western architecture, one cannot come to an understanding of the spirit of what is being expressed in the work of our time.' Mr. Mangas focused his practice on the listing and sale of modern and contemporary residential architecture in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. He has also had the honor of working with some of the best-known architects including Travis Price, FAIA., Jim Burton, AIA., Mark McInturff, FAIA., David Cooper, FAIA., and Robert Gurney, FAIA.

Over the course of the last thirteen years, Mr. Mangas has consistently worked with buyers and sellers who have a connection with work that is a departure from the ubiquitous historical revival styles commonly found in the area. He is also able to provide counsel to those clients seeking architects who are capable of producing work in the modernist vocabulary. He is especially fond of the work of internationally acclaimed architects: Tadao Ando, Zaha Hadid, Richard Neutra, and Santiago Calatrava.

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