Phyllis A. Tellier

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Phyllis A. Tellier

Real Estate Professional

Active in the sales of upscale condominiums and investment projects since 1986 for both promoters and as a real estate agent, Phyllis has developed an enviable reputation as inspiring total confidence, being meticulous, calm and trustworthy.
Her good taste combined with a rich imagination in interior décor have allowed her to enhance the merits of all units, no matter their location.
Prior to starting her real estate career, Phyllis began her professional career with Air Canada, working in many aspects of In-Flight service and more specifically as special project manager to develop a new image for its then 2000 Flight attendants across Canada.
After breaking ground in her first project at the Westmount Park towers Phyllis successfully participated in the sales of the Sir Robert Peel, Le Chausse-Gros-de-Léry (Old Montreal), Le Ch ateau de la Gare (TMR), and H tel Le Saint-Sulpice, condo-hotel, to name a few.
In 2005, she undertook the sales of the 1200 Ouest de Maisonneuve' then under construction and personally achieved sales of a total of 120 units during a period of 2 years.
Having maintained an excellent relationship with her many clients both local and international, she is also often called upon for the sale or purchase of single family homes in the general area surrounding Downtown. McGill- Professional Management Development Program Certificate.

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