Pamela Burke

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Pamela Burke

Lic.# 02156257

Pam was born and raised in Mill Valley. She received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from The Dominican University in San Rafael. Most of her professional life has been as a senior executive assistant in the Biotech industry.

For the last three years, Pam has assisted Michael Burke with his sales and coordination between clients and the office. In 2021, she received her real estate agent sales license.

Michael and Pam were married in 2020 and enjoy life in the hills of Sausalito with Thunder and Lightning, their two English Black Labs. Pam has two adult children, Charles and Victoria, both successful in their own rights.

Pam’s education and work history brings to the table an understanding of people and an ability to communicate with clients on a personal level. Her attention to detail is indispensable in this litigious world.

Pam will also focus on Buyer’s needs in the Marin duplex market.

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