Kim Blackman

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Kim Blackman

Real Estate Professional

I have been a Registered Nurse for 32 years and have a passion for helping people. I decided that the next step in helping others would be to pursue a career in real estate. I was born and raised in Massachusetts and relocated to Connecticut in 1990. I have been married to my husband for 35 years and together we have four children, one granddaughter and a wonderful dog named Oliver!! I hold a Bachelor's degree from the University of Massachusetts as well as an Associate's degree from Northern Essex Community College. We are a very service oriented family with many family members in the fire and police services, as well as the military. I am a proud Boston sports fan, especially the Boston Red Sox and the Bruins! I developed a love for the ocean since childhood, spending many vacations on the Cape as well as the coast of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. I am so proud to say that I am a Sotheby's agent, and am passionate about finding just the right fit for my clients!

I look forward to meeting with you and can be reached anytime at 860-857-9228

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