Kathryn Harrold

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Kathryn Harrold

Lic.# 01374512

Kathryn Harrold started in real estate at the height of the .com boom in 1999. Her experience has covered many roles related to selling and buying homes: transaction file auditor, database architect, marketing manager for top producing agents, and as an agent in her own right. She has learned priceless best practices from each of those roles, and from mentors who have been top producing managers, CEO's, and luxury agents in Silicon Valley.

Working in real estate satisfies Kathryn's passion for engaging both sides of her brain. She's analytical by nature and loves diving into the nitty gritty of the moving pieces that are part of every real estate transaction. And she is equally at home coming up with creative ways to brighten a living room or market a listing.

A self-proclaimed house nerd, Kathryn loves the uniqueness of each home and each piece of property. She gets excited by old floors and new gadgets; by market statistics and contract details.

Kathryn loves living in the Bay Area. When she's not out selling houses, you might find her running on the sand of a coastal beach, enjoying art walks in San Jose, cheering loudly at a ball game, or savoring authentic cuisine from around the world – all within easy reach of her home.

Kathryn's particular area of expertise is the marketing and selling of beautiful homes in Los Gatos and the Los Gatos Mountains.

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