Emilia Buddle

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Emilia Buddle

Sales Associate

Emilia Buddle is known for her exceptional customer service, organizational skills, professionalism, and perseverance. Her warm demeanor and service-oriented personality will give you the confidence to work with her from the very first meeting.
Emilia has earned the reputation for outstanding service through her firm belief that the client comes first. She utilizes her knowledge of the real estate market, and individual marketing strategies to go above and beyond for her clients.
Emilia received her master’s degree from American InterContinental University. Her years of experience as a Project Management Professional have honed her skills in developing creative strategies to reach the target buyer and close deals. Emilia understands her clients' particular needs and finds great pleasure in helping them reach their goals.
In her free time, Emilia loves to garden, exploring new neighborhoods, and spending time with her family and friends.

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