Elizabeth Schok

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Elizabeth Schok

Real Estate Professional

Elizabeth McConkey Schok has been a REALTOR® in the Fairbanks area for 15 years. She has been a top producing REALTOR® focusing on care and service to her clients and achieving their real estate goals. Elizabeth was born Virginia and came to Interior Alaska through the Airforce when her father was stationed at Eielson AFB. She grew up in Fairbanks, attended college at Hood College in Frederick, Maryland, has lived in South Carolina and Arizona and has chosen to live, work, play and raise her family in this great state. Elizabeth is an active member of the real estate community having been a past President of the Greater Fairbanks Board of Realtors, Past Realtor of the Year, Past Associate of the Year, Platinum level producer and has attained the National Association of REALTORS® designations of CRS (Certified Residential Specialist), ABR (Accredited Buyer Representative), SSR (Seller Services Representative), MRP (Military Relocation Professional) and is an NAR appointed FPC. Elizabeth loves being a REALTOR® and loves helping people accomplish their real estate goals.

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