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Donna Christopher
Real Estate Professional
Donna Christopher has made her primary home in Cotuit since 2002. She is a Cape Codder from her childhood days of summer vacations in Harwich Port, Chatham and Dennis Port and longtime family second homes in West Yarmouth and Cotuit.
Donna is a native of Shrewsbury, MA and a graduate of Salter College in Worcester. Her career included working for Digital Equipment Corporation for 12 years in Marlboro as a sales assistant for customers from the West Coast. She then became a successful entrepreneur in her full-service florist business, Express It With Flowers, in Northboro for 12 years. Her passion for the business and loyalty to customer satisifaction led to her success.
Donna's initiation to the world of real estate was through her family's real estate and development business in central Massachusetts. Her father, an attorney, is owner of Christopher Real Estate, and her sister is the sales marketing and design director. The business has been ongoing for over 40 years, and more than 1,000 homes have been built and sold. Donna assisted in her family business by helping buyers customize their new home. This exposure led to Donna pursuing her career as a Realtor on Cape Cod.
For those who are ready to sell a home or are wishing to buy property on Cape Cod, Donna's commitment to customer satisfaction demonstrates her dedication in best serving clients' needs.
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