Christine Adams

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Christine Adams

Global Real Estate Advisor

Christine came to Arizona in 1988 from New York City after living in Manhattan for 13 years. She was born and raised in the Catskill mountains, received a Masters Degree in Special Education and worked with emotionally disturbed children in the New York area. Her love for photography and adventure finally overcame her better sensibilities and she left this profession to work in Manhattan in advertising and market research. Here she experienced work as an Account Executive for a large commercial photographic studio, was a free lance Artist's Representative for commercial photographers on Madison Avenue, and was an independent research analyst for several Market research companies. Once again, her love of adventure, horses and the West overcame her better sensibilities and she moved to Scottsdale Arizona to help a friend renovate a ranch for show horses. It was here that she met her true love, married and settled down. Her career in real estate began shortly there after. Christine and her husband started a real estate investment company called Prasad and bought and sold various types of properties including, commercial land, apartments, vacant residential land and homes. She applied her love of design in renovations, her research skills in finding the right properties, her sales skills in negotiating with buyers and sellers and her education skills to become an intuitive agent. Today, she lives with her husband in Sedona in a home they renovated together. They have lived in the Verde Valley and Sedona for 15 years. Christine has the ability to communicate clearly, to understand her client's needs, and to work through real estate transactions with great detail and experience. She loves using her design skills to help sellers prepare their properties for the market place and she finds much satisfaction in listening to what buyers want and helping them find it.

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