Amy Bain-Wilson

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Amy Bain-Wilson

Real Estate Professional

As the daughter of a builder and contractor, Amy understands the real estate profession from the ground up recognizing both its challenges and rewards. In her early 20s, she built a home with her brothers that involved creating a market feasibility study, interpreting demographics, estimating and ordering supplies and building a property from foundation to finish. Today, as a real estate broker and investor, Amy brings those skills and talents to a broad spectrum of discriminating buyers and sellers. A focused listener, able advisor and fair advocate, Amy's mantra is “if there is a will, there is a way.” She is recognized by her peers and clients for careful diligence and honest concern, thus creating a positive experience and honest transactions for both sides in her real estate business. Attentive, direct and resourceful, she listens to her client's needs, then ably matches buyers to the right property and advises sellers toward an efficient and rewarding close. To Amy, there is no place like home and “home” is Western Montana. She is a 6th generation Montanan, descended from homesteaders since the 1880s. With her husband and children, she finds inspiration in the land, lakes, mountains, recreation and especially the people. Since 1997, Amy's clients have benefited from her vast knowledge, intense passion and extensive familiarity for Montana real estate. Just like the extraordinary properties in Western Montana that she offers, Amy knows every relationship is unique and inspiring deserving her careful attention and perseverance.

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