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Sotheby's International Realty France - Monaco

The General Headquarters of Sothebys International Realty France and Sothebys International Realty Monaco are strategically located at a prime location in the Principality of Monaco. Synonymous with high-end living, Monaco is a legend in its own right that belies its status as the second smallest country in the world. Often described as a preferred playground for the rich and famous, Monaco is the home of many of the worlds wealthiest individuals as well as of world-famous institutions such as the Casino of Monte Carlo, the Hotel de Paris and the Monaco Yacht Harbor. The General Headquarters of Sothebys International Realty France - Monaco are based in the heart of Monte-Carlo, just a few steps from the Casino and the best luxury hotels, restaurants and boutiques. All major aspects of the management and support of the Sothebys International Realty France & Monaco network are coordinated from here.

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